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Sustainable Development

We think that Sustainable Development is a continuous, long-term development from generation to generation, and that development must be in harmony with humanity and nature, without harming to the environment, human. Our company specializes in producing and processing Vietnamese specialty sauces with spices and Vietnam agricultural products. We believe that if we want to develop sustainably, the sustainability is continuously sustainable from cultivation to consumers as follows:

Filed ------->Processing company-------->delivery------->distributor-------->consumers

•    The field including:
+    Farmers: Must produce safe agricultural products, and sell farm product and make a profit to reinvest, take care for the family and children. In addition, during the production process must be guaranteed Healthy, not affected by pesticides; Herbicide; chemical Fertilizer which pollutes air and water.
+    Environment: Limit the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals that pollute land and water. Towards organic farming to protect the ecological environment around the farm.
+    Agricultural products: No residues of pesticides; chemical fertilizer; Herbicide; stimulate growth; heavy metals and microorganisms such as E. coli; Salmonela, .. the decisive factor in our product quality
•    Other Suppliers: They provide input materials, so their quality determines the quality of our products, as well as the operation of our company; So we always work with reputable suppliers and cooperate with them in the spirit of Win-Win.
•    Processing company include:
+    Employees: Salaries, bonuses and deduct 15% of after-tax profits to set up Employee Benefit Funds, thereby guarantee the lives of themselves and their children. In the processing always perform 05S, ensuring maximum safety for the production staff.
+    Product: Quality and safety for consumers' health with the mission of "Innovation for Vietnamese  Health"
+    Waste: Minimizes waste, wastewater and emissions. In which, the waste is classified into 03 types: organic waste for composting; Recyclable waste and other waste is removed to disposal area; Water is treated and reused for irrigation; And reduce emissions by switching fry salt from firewood to electric.
•    Delivery: Goods during transporting from manufacture to the distributor always ensure the quality and safety of hygiene.
•    Distributors: We always appreciate and thanks for their efforts in distributing the company's products, who are great contributors to bringing the products to consumers.
•    Consumers: Always prior put the interests and health of consumers. Be available to withdraw and return unconditionally for defective products and bear all costs.

For sustainable development, a business can not only maximize profits but also must determine that in addition to getting profit, the business must ensure a harmonious benefit for employees, farmers, suppliers, distributor, community and environment in a spirit of co-existence and long-term development.