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Loach cooked with coriander

, 25/03/2017, 08:42 GMT+7
Loach cooked with corianderLoach cooked with coriander


  • 200 g loach
    01 DASAVI meat or fish braise sauce 50 g
    100 g coriander
    1/2 spoon of minced garlic
    1/2 spoon of minced onion
    01 spoon of  Vegetable oil 
    1/3 Cup of filtered wate


  • Mix 200 g meat with 01 DASAVI meat or fish braise sauce 50 g,  vegetable oil  about 30 minutes.
    Boiled oil and stir onion , garlic 
    Add the marinated loach in the oven until the meat is ready to eat, then add 1/3 cup of filtered water to cook on a small fire untill the sauce is concentrated.
    Put meat on the plate and serve with hot rice.